From: "Travis Bemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> butchered each year under totalitarian dictators such as Saddam,
>> Tito, Suharto et al. Think of the countless masses in Tibet who are
>> routinely tortured and executed by the Chinese. Think of how much
>> could have been avoided if Freenet had been functional, say, since the
>> explosion of the Internet circa 1995. Especially Freenet with an optional
>> 'stealth' mode - steganography via 'legitimate' traffic. For instance, a
>> Milosevec aide could have worked with NATO to bring down that butcher
>> faster.

>A typically liberal capitalist statement.  Of course, this ignores the
>fact that the system that you implicitly support is based on two
>things: domination and exploitation.  Anyone who sincerely thinks that
>the US (or any other western capitalist nation, or even a socialist
>state) is free is quite ignorant of what really goes on (there is
>plenty of stuff that happens which is not reported in the newspaper or
>on TV news) and doesn't have a clue about the true nature of authority
>and hierarchy.

OK - fair cop - you got me there.
I guess I could try and save face and play 'victim' for a moment, by
complaining that with mass media available here in NZ, the news feeds are
very limited in scope. But I can't pull that as an excuse. Because I am on a
broadband internet connection, with access to the greatest wealth of
conglomerate and independent news available. So even that excuse crumbles.

> Go read up on anarchism (or libertarian socialism
>(which today is primarily comprised of anarchism but also includes
>things such as situationism and council communism), *NOT*
>libertarianism or the "anarcho"capitalism).  For starters, go to
> and

I am totally uninitiated about these various schools of anarchism - I shall
visit and read and attempt to edify myself.


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