On 1 May 2001, Mr.Bad wrote:

> >>>>> "MJR" == Mark J Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     MJR> Yeah, I know that. I was commenting on your double standard,
>     MJR> where it's acceptable for users of your software to waive
>     MJR> their right to sue you for damages, but "totally reckless and
>     MJR> stupid" for Sun's users to do the same.
> The GPL non-warranty says that users can't sue me. It's a repudiation
> of liability, to the extent possible in law. The JRE license says that
> we (collectively) accept liability for problems with the *JRE*, not
> with Fred.
>         "you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from
>         and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement
>         amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred
>         in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third
>         party that arises or results from the use or distribution of
>         any and all Programs and/or Software."
> ("Programs" = our stuff, "Software" = Sun stuff). That means that we
> are responsible if there is any problems with the JRE -- even separate
> from the use of Fred.

Ah, I see. If I redistribute freenetmirror, and a user sues you, I am not
obligated to defend you. In fact, I can encourage my users to sue you.

"...you have mistaken your cowardice for common sense
 and have found comfort in that, deceiving yourselves."
Mark Roberts | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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