On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 10:27:30PM -0700, Mr. Bad wrote:
> >>>>> "TC" == Tavin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     TC> However, can we not simply make it a part of _our_ license
>     TC> agreement that they agree to indemnify us w/r/to problems
>     TC> resulting from the JRE as well as Fred?
> That's an interesting point, but it seems like it requires more legal
> brainpower than I have.
> Hey, how did this thread get over to chat? Damn.

Ok, I'm cc'ing this to devl then.

So we've had lawyer types post on the list before, surely one of them
can help.  However why wouldn't be as simple as taking either the Sun
or GPL indemnity clause almost word for word and just substituting
nouns?  We get 2 indemnity clauses, one for the JRE and one for Fred.


# tavin cole
# "The process of scientific discovery is, in effect,
#  a continual flight from wonder."
#                                   - Albert Einstein

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