On Wed, 9 May 2001 19:21:04 -0400 (EDT) "Mark J. Roberts"
> On Wed, 9 May 2001, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> > If he is trying to force people to do things, or not do things, 
> when they
> > aren't hurting anyone else, or the environment, but I guess I 
> don't
> > support him.  But I sure as HELL don't support Bush!!  I could 
> KILL the
> > SOB if I had the ability and lack of morals required for murder.
> Is killing someone always wrong?

Nope.  Killing is right when it is in self defense or self defense by
proxy.  In other words, it is OK to kill someone who is trying to kill
you or is trying to kill someone that you care about.  If lethal force is
not being threatened, then you cannot apply lethal force yourself.

Bush is about to cross the line with his activities.  Soon he may actualy
hurt some or many americans, maybe even kill them.  If he does, then he
should be punished to the full extent of the law.  And if the law won't
do a damn thing, then the citizens of this country have a duty to take up
arms and solve the crisis themselves.

I sincerely hope that Bush doesn't push things that far, but if he does,
I will be one of the supporters of any action taken by the justice
system, or the citizens, to stop Bush from doing any further damage.

And if Bush want's to take that as a threat, so be it.  If the only way
to stop Bush from hurting or killing innocent people is for me to kill
him myself, I'll try to find a way.  Even though I hope it never ever
comes to that.
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