I am going to laugh my ass off when the Secret Service
show up at your door.

On Thursday 10 May 2001 11:04 am, you wrote:
> On Wed, 9 May 2001 19:21:04 -0400 (EDT) "Mark J. Roberts"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wed, 9 May 2001, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> > > If he is trying to force people to do things, or not do things,
> >
> > when they
> >
> > > aren't hurting anyone else, or the environment, but I guess I
> >
> > don't
> >
> > > support him.  But I sure as HELL don't support Bush!!  I could
> >
> > KILL the
> >
> > > SOB if I had the ability and lack of morals required for murder.
> >
> > Is killing someone always wrong?
> Nope.  Killing is right when it is in self defense or self defense by
> proxy.  In other words, it is OK to kill someone who is trying to kill
> you or is trying to kill someone that you care about.  If lethal force is
> not being threatened, then you cannot apply lethal force yourself.
> Bush is about to cross the line with his activities.  Soon he may actualy
> hurt some or many americans, maybe even kill them.  If he does, then he
> should be punished to the full extent of the law.  And if the law won't
> do a damn thing, then the citizens of this country have a duty to take up
> arms and solve the crisis themselves.
> I sincerely hope that Bush doesn't push things that far, but if he does,
> I will be one of the supporters of any action taken by the justice
> system, or the citizens, to stop Bush from doing any further damage.
> And if Bush want's to take that as a threat, so be it.  If the only way
> to stop Bush from hurting or killing innocent people is for me to kill
> him myself, I'll try to find a way.  Even though I hope it never ever
> comes to that.
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