Taken to freenet-chat, for obvious reasons.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 07:09:34PM -0700, Josh wrote:
> Shareware! That may be a better title. It will be open source
> shareware...???
> It's really a management issue: I want to advantages of open source, with
> the advantages of management, and I'm convinced I can do it because others
> have.
> I know, Ill call it "not open source", and I'll distribute the code!
Open source is a *trademark*. You should really look it up with its owners, at
> As for the "freenet" word, I first head of it back I the 80's. it was the
> internet backbone link into the USSR. It went from east (via japan) to west,
> so as not to come from eurpoe. The "freenet" was used during the attempted
> Gorbachev overthrow, by the anti-communist people. Being commies, their
> bureaucracy was so bad that they didn't even know of the internet link or
> how to turn it off. That's why all those emails made it out during that
> timeframe, because of the "freenet" link. A little known fact is that the
> NSA's listening system was used to pickup then re-broadcast Yeltzin's
> comments (pro gorbachev).
> Rumor has it that the original freenet was a CIA idea (information warfare
> tactic), that got tossed to the national sciences foundation.
> The fact is, the internet and the open communication between the young
> Russians and the outside world had a very large impact on the fall of soviet
> communism. In my opinion, the same is inevitable for china. That's my
> attitude toward China is a relaxed one: democracy is inevitable.
Of course, you'll cooperate with Chinese police forces? A single point of
failure from which the entire network can be compromized - a back door built
in to the network for purposes of law enforcement. So anyone who can sue you
can compromize the anonymity of anyone on the network, given that in *some*
courts they will be able to get a ruling in favour, if they push long enough
- i.e. if they have the money. Rather like a totalitarian state in fact.
> I cant wait for them to try to fully implement their internet censorship
> ideas. Oh, that's a disaster in the making.
Fully implement? They don't fully implement anything, like the Taliban. They
reserve special sanctions for special events. They arrest religious folks
randomly to raise cash, not consistently to eradicate religion.
> I can't wait for them to try to impose international law on me. Shit, I'm
> going to move over to the .aq top domain (Antarctica)! (joke)
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Behalf Of Rob Cakebread
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:00 PM
> Subject:      Re: [freenet-devl] MercuryFS
> On Tuesday 24 July 2001 06:44 pm, you wrote:
> > Theres a difference between a simple license and the technology. And
> > besides, when I'm done with it, it will not look the GPL at all. And I did
> > ask for permission, and they didn't respond. So there you have it. There's
> > many other licenses out there to choose from. I'm currently looking at the
> > Mozilla license, because I like it better.
> >
> > So I used the wrong words. What should I call it? "managed open source"
> > "community open source" "my open source"? I have a design to write, not
> > licenses.  What do you wall want to call it? Since this is a big issue for
> > all of you, you can all rename it to your liking.
> How about 'shareware'? Or since you are stuck on 'open source' being
> in the title how about... 'Not Open Source'.
> > As for the SS, if they call us and say that they president is going to get
> > shot, and somehow a UNI ID is involved, do you expect me to not work with
> > them? Give me a break. Welcome to reality. There is no way ANY global file
> > system can operate without having to work with law enforcement. They have
> > the most to loose by taking advantage of us, because if they do, they will
> > get denied. Then the next time there is a threat to the president, they
> > will be sorry. You guys don't understand the difference between protective
> > services and general law enforcement.
> >
> > I'm not going to hire some young attorney right out of the ACLU to accept
> > the court orders and answer the phone when the SS call. I'm going to hire
> 2
> > old clients of mine, ones a cop, the other is a retired SS agent. They are
> > both good people, know the law, and have over 20 years experience with
> > these issues.
> > I'd trust most experienced cops with those issues before inexperienced
> > computer whizs.
> >
> > Speaking of words, do any of you know what the original "freenet" was?
> > Understand, I'm not saying you don't.
> I think it was some free ISP in Canada.
> >
> >  -----Original Message-----
> > From:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > On Behalf Of Rob Cakebread
> > Sent:       Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:34 PM
> > Subject:    Re: [freenet-devl] MercuryFS
> >
> > On Tuesday 24 July 2001 05:46 pm, you wrote:
> > > Is that all you have to say? A terminology issue?
> > > Open source is a method, not a religion.
> >
> > Funny how you have a problem with people stealing intellectual property
> but
> > it was ok to steal the GPL, re-word it. and use it without the EFF's
> > permission.
> >
> > I think you have it right on the front page: 'nearly free'. If you changed
> > all the references in the license from 'open source' to 'nearly free' we
> > wouldn't be laughing at you.
> >
> > This is my favorite terminology:
> >
> > "17. You may not use MFS and/or UNI ID to threaten a life, violate
> national
> > security, sell drugs, distribute child porn, blah blah blah."
> >
> > Blah blah blah.
> >
> > There is no Open Source license that by any stretch of the imagination
> > can be compared to your restrictive license.
> >
> > Oh brother. And this from your 'dream' manifesto:
> >
> > "Uniformity via management of the global MFS standards:
> > Patents
> > Trademarks
> > Open source public license, similar to GNU public license.
> > You can't steal something that's free.
> >
> > The GPL is free, but it is also copyrighted and you ripped it off because
> > the EFF didn't respond within your time frame. Are we free of MerfucryFS'
> > license if you don't respond when we want you to?
> >
> > We might not steal your software, but you say you will sue us for
> > blah blah blahing with it.
> >
> > Sweet Jesus. I'm not making this part up. It's in his dream:
> > http://www.mercuryfs.net/the_dream.htm
> >
> >  "I intend to hire retired cops and SS personnel, the public will trust
> > them.
> > They understand law, and the balance of the peoples rights and individual
> > rights."
> >
> > > There is no reason why I can't do both to accomplish my goals. Go to
> > > www.mercuryfs.net/license.htm for the current version.  If you read the
> > > license, you will probably find that it satisfies your requirements.
> > >
> > > Remember, my goal is for a unified single standard. That will take a bit
> >
> > of
> >
> > > management to achieve.
> > > I would be a real shame to pass us by because of terminology.
> > >
> > > If so, o-well. I tried.
> > >
> > > - josh
> > >
> > > PS: just because you have no respect for intellectual property doesn't
> >
> > mean
> >
> > > you should attempt to force this method onto others. If you don't want
> to
> > > talk, that's fine.
> > >
> > >  -----Original Message-----
> > > From:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > > On Behalf Of Ian Clarke
> > > Sent:     Tuesday, July 24, 2001 5:42 PM
> > > To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject:  [freenet-devl] MercuryFS
> > >
> > >  << File: ATT00008.dat >> http://www.mercuryfs.net/
> > >
> > > This guy claims that it is P2P, open source *and* patent pending.
> > > sounds like he doesn't actually grasp what "open source" means.
> > >
> > > Comments welcome.
> > >
> > > Ian.
> > >
> > >
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