 House Report Concludes P2P Networks Endanger Children 

 7/27. The Minority Staff of the Special Investigations Division
 of the House Committee on Government Reform released a report
 [ http://www.house.gov/reform/min/pdf/pornp2p.pdf ] titled
 "Children's Access to Pornography Through Internet File-Sharing
 Programs". The report, which was prepared at the request of Rep.
 Steve Largent (R-OK) and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), examined peer
 to peer networks, including Music City Morpheus, BearShare, and

 The report found that peer to peer (P2P) file copying networks
 other than Napster are growing rapidly in popularity. It also
 found that one of the major categories of content on these
 networks is pornography, including videos. Moreover, innocent
 search terms, such as "Britney Spears", return as results
 pornographic files, thereby endangering children. Finally, the
 report found that use of these peer to peer networks is free,
 and unaffected by the filtering software. 

 The report contains no recommendations for government action.
 Rep. Waxman stated that he wants to "draw attention" to the
 problem. He added that "As legislators, we can try to pass
 laws to address these issues. But sometimes legislation can't
 solve the entire problem by itself. In this case, parental
 awareness and parental involvement matter more than legislation.
 And that's the whole point of the report Mr. Largent and I are
 releasing today." He also said that in comparison, the debate
 over the V-Chip is "trivial."

>--[ From TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert 237, http://www.techlawjournal.com ]

It's all true. And KaZaA can give you warts.


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