--- Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lobbyist: "Hello, Senator.  I'd like to talk about
> piracy."
> Senator: "You mean people who copy music and movies
> without paying for
> them?"
> Lobbyist: "Yes, that's right.  We can't prosecute
> these people because
> of loopholes in the copyright laws.  So we'd like
> you to pass some more
> laws that protect our business interests."
> Senator: "But what about free speech?"
> Lobbyist: "May I remind you that the media companies
> constitute XX% of
> this country's gross national product, as well as
> YY% of our exports?
> And did you forget about all the help we gave you in
> your last campaign?"
> Senator: "Well gosh, that's right."

My statement wasn't geared at their intent, more at
the physical restrictions that would cause any
interference to be impractical.  Short of outlawing
encryption, there is no way to eliminate peer to peer
file sharing.  As much as our politicians sell out to
the entertainment industry, there's no way something
like that would come to pass without being challenged
immediately and successfully by half the lawyers in
the nation.

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