Mr. Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I wonder what congress thinks it has a hope in hell of
> accomplishing against P2P porn, file sharing, etc. 

Lobbyist: "Hello, Senator.  I'd like to talk about piracy."

Senator: "You mean people who copy music and movies without paying for

Lobbyist: "Yes, that's right.  We can't prosecute these people because
of loopholes in the copyright laws.  So we'd like you to pass some more
laws that protect our business interests."

Senator: "But what about free speech?"

Lobbyist: "May I remind you that the media companies constitute XX% of
this country's gross national product, as well as YY% of our exports?
And did you forget about all the help we gave you in your last campaign?"

Senator: "Well gosh, that's right."


Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |

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