> If I understand what you're saying, no it can't.  Freenet is designed
> so that you can't know what is going on in other parts of the network.  
> A single node might notice that a certian other node tends to pop up a
> lot in it's table, and then go out and find a new node with similar
> data, but I don't think you could do this network- wide and still
> maintain anonyimity.

But why wouldn't a node just stop allowing connections when it sensed it
was being used to much? Limit bandwidth and CPU usage within a given time
frame and maybe watch for DoS type issues by only letting a certain number
of connections per host per timeframe through? Then you know enough for a
node to keep itself from being overloaded.

Flip the coin a little and if you know your node is hooking to another
node frequently then make some effort to vary your data sources to
different nodes? Surely the node must know what other node it's talking to
while connecting and transfering data? If 90% of your data is coming from
a given node it's a safe bet that it's over centralized and some
rebalancing should happen.

Or am I missing something? :)

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