That's a good point, but I think a lot of modems needed upgraded firmware
before they would work properly with v.90.
Krepta, you might want to check if there is new firmware available from your
modems manufacturer.

P.S. Quick question for davidtg:
What email application do you use?
When I get your messages, they have empty bodies, and text attachments of
the actual message.
This is true for a few other people on this mailing list too (the only other
one I see right now is greg at wooledge).
Any idea if it's because I have outlook express configured wrong? Or is your
mailer just weird?


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <chat at>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] modems

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