On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:37:12 -0600 Mark J Roberts <mjr at znex.org> writes:
> Travis Bemann:
> > government is amoral and has no ethics
> Why, then, does our government punish criminals and not innocent
> people? Why does it fight murderous totalitarian communism, and not
> wage war on democracy and our free market?

Uh, hello, it does too punish the innocent and let the guilty go free. 
The justice system is by no means perfect.  No form of government can be
perfect as long as it is run by Humans.  Nothing created by Humans can be
perfect.  What about what they did to Microsoft, just because they
bundled a FREE BROWSER with their OS?!  I'd say that is wageing war on
the free market and the democracy, at least a little.

> Despite whatever paranoid, drug-induced ramblings the admitted
> communist and pedophile (he "earned" his doctorate with sexual
> favors) Noam Chomsky exudes from the ivory tower, the simple and
> obvious fact is that our government rocks.

I must disagree with you.  Our government barely functions.  The
difficulties in the public education systems in various states in this
country are proof of this.  And there are a lot of other problems in
various government agencies and organizations.

I am not saying that Our government is not the best model of government
in the world, I think it is, but, I also think it is full of holes and
bad people doing bad things and stupid people doing stupid things.  I
will never be content with the status quo, I will never bow down and
comply with the popular opinions.  I will remain an analytical, and
probably cynical, person.

Just a few days ago I went to a Department of Economic Security office in
which the employees treated people like absolute CRAP. They were
incredibly rude and inconciderate.  There were only Chairs in the room,
nothing to write on, and there were no pencils or pens with which to fill
out any forms, and the forms were not clearly seperated and marked so
that people would understand which forms needed to be filled out for
which things they needed to do.  The lady at the counter told me to grab
a form, not what kind of form, just a form.  There were like 10 different
kinds.  So I got one.  Then I had to try again and again to get a
freaking clipboard and pen.  I finaly got them and filled out the form,
what I could understand anyway.  When I got up there to give her the form
she told me it was the wrong form, and then asked me what my zip code
was.  I told her and she said I was in the wrong office and told me the
cross streets to the office I was supposed to go to.  I asked her 5 times
for the address and she ignored me, Like I wasn't even there.  Finaly she
gave me a sheet of paper with the address on it and I left that crap

So don't tell ME the government, either Federal, State, or City, ROCKS,
because it DOES NOT!!!!

> > the optimum state of government is eternal war externally and
> > totalitarianism internally
> I know you leftists are pining for eternal war and totalitarianism,
> it's not a big secret - you support Soviet imperialism and Osama 
> Bin
> Laden, remember? (In fact, your raving pinko leader Chomsky 
> recently
> traveled to Pakistan to incite anti-American hatred and support for
> the totalitarian Taliban theocracy.)

Totalitarianism is not what this guy supports.  And niether do I.  I
personaly agree with him that government is inherently imperfect and
vulnerable to corruption.  Which only means that we, the people, must be
forever vigilant in detecting and eliminating corruption as much as we
can.  We must never become complacent and just let the government machine
do whatever it wants out of some misplaced sense of duty or some
indoctrinated sense that the government is always right!!!

> > this is concealed by the propaganda organs of capitalism
> Yes, that's right, surely anyone who does not support mass murder
> and famine and communism has been duped by the capitalist 
> propaganda
> organs. I must agree it's quite effective.

Ok, now here I might agree a little.  I don't think that capitalism is a
propaganda organ, but you must admit that our government has used
propaganda in the past, and will probably use it in the future.

> > non-ruling class life is purely expendable - any views that 
> appear
> > otherwise are really just propaganda
> So you've said, you smug communist butcher.

I don't understand.  It is true that the wealthy and powerful people, no
matter what country they live in, will try to maintain their power and
wealth by whatever means they can, which usualy means corrupting whatever
kind of government exists as much as they can.  That is all this guys is
saying, I think.  It happened in the communist states too.  The people
who were in power were only interested in keeping that power, or
expanding it.

> > The law means fucking nothing.  Period.
> Of course communists such as yourself have no respect for the law.
> Take your Marxist legal theory and your Gulag and move to North
> Korea where they'll be appreciated. Please, go.

Communists have respect for law, at least the law they create, but I
don't think this guy is a communist, and I think you are far too
prejudiced to have a very productive conversation about this subject. 
So, lets just drop it, Ok? :)

And also, I don't have respect for the law, simply because the law is not
always right.  Sometimes bad laws are created.  There is still laws on
the books that say it is perfectly legal to shoot and kill any Mormon you
see who is anywhere near your house.  And I think that is very very
wrong.  And not just because I'm Mormon.

I know you are a very inteligent person, MJR, and I also know that Travis
is an inteligent person.  This conversation, which is basicaly a flame
war, does not need to continue like this.  I for one am tired of it. 
I'll just butt out of the conversation and let you guys duke it out if
you like.

Have a nice day, both of you. :)
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