Hi,I have been reading all your mail regarding "coming storm" with interest.
If one knows the history of America  one comes to the conclusion that it is
a Country which could be best described as totalitarian. Being British i am
used to total freedom in my way of life my government does not tell me i
cannot visit a certain country because it is classified as "rogue". As far
as i know we have never had a McCarthy type incident in Britain where
hundreds of lifes were ruined because we "might" be communist or "unamerican
. As for the gulf war if it was not for the oil America  could not care less
about the gulf states they were and are only looking after there own
interests (oil supply) As for American politics take the example of George W
Bush, When he was elected?! President one of the first things he did was
tell the F.B.I. to "lay off"  certain Arabs coming out of Saudi Arabia - 
they were given blank American passports,For what reason? and sent on their
way. Bush and Bush senior prior to 9/11 were both involved with the Bin
Laden family in specific types of companys which, After 9/11 the Bin Ladens
sold their shares in these companys and the order to "lay off" certain Arabs
coming out of Saudi Arabia was rescinded. you will not see a lot about this
in the press. I suppose what i am trying to say is if you want to be
completely free ---- Be British.
Thanks Jack.
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