On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 08:31:40PM -0800, Josh wrote:
> * I don't suppose it occurred to you that, if there WAS a UFO at Area 51,
> * it obviously wasn't kept secret.
> Show me the proof that there is one.
> This world needs a cheap renewable power source, like a fusion reactor that
> can power a starship at warp 9. If that technology was sitting at area 51
> for the last 50 years, we would have put it to use. But instead we're still
> flying aircraft powered by fossil fuels. No way could any group of
> scientists be exposed to such technology, and all of them take the secret to
> their graves. Perhaps for 5-10 years, but for this long? No way. Common
> sense tells me all I need to know.

I'm not making a claim either way about UFOs.  I'm just saying your
argument makes no sense -- there are volumes and volumes of (possibly false)
information that has been leaked about UFOs by people who worked for the US
government.  See http://disclosureproject.org/.  Or consider some of the
Art Bell radio programs (http://artbell.com).  The fact is we are
drowning in leaked "information" about UFOs.

> Besides, if a ship could make it all the way here, would it crash? And if it
> WAS going to crash, would they risk biological contamination that could wipe
> out all life on earth? No way, they would have self destructed or burned up
> in the atmosphere on purpose. (ok, that's speculation).
> All it could take is 1 drip of snot from an alien's nose to introduce a
> bacteria that nothing on earth has had a chance to evolve against, and bye
> bye most animal life on earth. For this very reason NASA is in charge of
> whatever experiment that is going to drill a hole in Antarctica's ice that
> will reveal an ocean that's been sealed off for millions of years. They are
> taking biological contamination very seriously. It would have to be the same
> type of scenario with a space craft. The same logic would have to apply.

Yes, if there's one thing we've learned from Star Trek, it's that all
alien species think more or less like us (as well as look like us, and
speak the same language).


:: tavin cole (tcole at espnow.com) ::

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