-----Original Message-----
From:   chat-admin at freenetproject.org [mailto:chat-ad...@freenetproject.org]
On Behalf Of Tavin Cole
Sent:   Sunday, January 06, 2002 9:45 PM
To:     chat at freenetproject.org
Subject:        Re: [freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 09:08:57PM -0800, Josh wrote:
> > if there's one thing we've learned from Star Trek, it's that all
> > alien species think more or less like us
> If they have the technology to get here, then we can assume they
> basic biology. Common sense, no?

You can assume they understand biology.  You can't assume they care
about preserving the life of another species.  Our species generally
doesn't, when the species is considered inferior.

> If you buy the UFO stories, with their obvious lack of proof, then I
> consider you to be young and impressionable. I got a bridge I'd like to
> ya, it's got a great view!
> I'm curious, do you believe in ghosts / the supernatural / psychics?  (not
> an insult, it's a question)

I'm curious, are you actually reading what I'm writing?


:: tavin cole (tcole at espnow.com) ::

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