> > Linux by its very nature strongly encourages technical learning, 
> > but
> > for every Linux box on the desktop, there are 50 W--dows boxes, 
> > with
> > an operating system that increasingly encourages technical 
> > ignorance.
> But Linux, thanks to GUI interfaces, is getting closer and closer to
> being very very ignorant friendly. :)  

The actual GUI pretty much taken care of for GNU/Linux; KDE can approach (and 
in some places, exceed) the user-freindlyness of a Windows desktop.  The actual 
installation is what is holding back GNU/Linux.  Can your mom install any of 
the distributions (pick one, any one will do) of GNU/Linux?  Can your mom 
install Windows (any version)?  The answer is most likely no to both questions, 
and it will likely remain that way because an OS installation is, by its very 
nature, a very complex task.

Therefore, I come to the conclusion that GNU/Linux will not win until you can 
walk into Best Buy or CompUSSR and grab a GNU/Linux box off the shelf with 
everything pre-installed.

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