TM> The actual GUI pretty much taken care of for GNU/Linux; KDE can
TM> approach (and in some places, exceed) the user-freindlyness of a
TM> Windows desktop.

Yes and no.

Having extensively used both Linux and W--dows desktops, I find the
W--dows GUI to be far more ergonomically comfortable. Lots of simple
little things, like mouse responsiveness, speed of menu popups,
response of software to mouse moves/clicks, even colouring. For some
strange reason, the Linux colours always look a bit bland and
amateurish, lacking the professional graphic design that has obviously
gone into W--dows.

I have to admit that after 4 straight hours using a Linux desktop, I'm
more tired than after 4 hours using a W--dows desktop. In that respect
alone, Linux feels like an early model Ford with hard suspension and
quirky brakes/shift/clutch/steering, where W--dows feels more like a
comfortable Mercedes or BMW sedan. 

Quite understandable, since W--dows is far more profit driven, so
project managers will be more responsive to aesthetic/ergonomic
considerations, the factors that mean fuck-all to techies but affect
Joe User's overall experience and enjoyment.

Hopefully one of the commercial Linux companies like RH or Mandrake
might find the $$$ to recruit a really good graphic designer.

So far, the most ergonomically refined Linux desktop I've seen is
Ximian/Gnome. Now *that's* a class act in comfortable GUI design.

TM>   The actual installation is what is holding back 
TM> GNU/Linux.

Does it ever!
Still too 'technocentric', and with major gaps.
Although Mandrake's installers (especially 8.x) easily rival all the
W--dows installers for ease and success rate. Mandrake also strikes a
good balance between bleeding edge and stability.

Now, an installer based on Mandrake which auto-installs Ximian would
be a candidate for Joe Public.

However, there's the chronic problem of device drivers, mostly the
fault of the 3rd party hardware vendors and their failure to provide
adequate Linux support. With many devices, drivers only exist because
some mega-smart hackers reverse-engineer the hardware with CROs,
datascopes etc.


* Alcatel SpeedTouch USB DSL 'modem':
   * W--dows installation - 45 seconds, works first go
   * Linux installation - days or weeks of rebuilding
     kernel, hacking the TCP/IP stack, sourcing PPPoATM drivers and
     lots of other stuff. Lots of hacking code.

* Matrox Marvel G200 MJPEG Video Capture/Out card
   * W--dows installation - 4 minutes, including reboot, works first
   * Linux installation - no drivers exist

* One HP scanner
   * W--dows - 4 minutes including reboot, effortless OCR from then on
   * Linux - add some symlinks, hack some config files, scanning ok
     but no OCR

TM>   Can your mom install any of the distributions (pick one, any one
TM> will do) of GNU/Linux?  Can your mom install Windows (any
TM> version)?  The answer is most likely no to both questions,  
TM> and it will likely remain that way because an OS installation is,
TM> by its very nature, a very complex task. 

Yes, due mostly to diversity of hardware and software options

TM> Therefore, I come to the conclusion that GNU/Linux will not win
TM> until you can walk into Best Buy or CompUSSR and grab a GNU/Linux
TM> box off the shelf with everything pre-installed.  

Or until some major retailer puts its cajones on the chopping block,
takes a risk, and aggressively markets a Linux box, using the
significantly lower system cost (no S/W fees) as a competitive
advantage. Maybe Gateway would still be healthy if they'd tried this.

 David     mailto:david at

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