Aaron, et al --

...and then krepta at juno.com said...
% > % copy VHS to DVD. :)  Beta isn't available anymore, as far as I 
% > know.  I
% > % wish it would come back.
% > 
% > Yeah, now it's all used systems.  You can often find them at pawn 
% > shops
% > as well as in net newsgroups, though.
% But where would I get the tapes I would need for recording and viewing? 
% Maybe someone can help start an underground BETA rebirth movement. :) 
% Bring the good old Beta back. :)

Same places.  My dad routinely buys boxes of twenty or so; he might keep
one or two of them and then write over the rest ("another bad kung fu
tape!" :-) for blanks.

% > % I've never even used a Beta.  I've seen them, and watched others 
% > use
% > % them, but I never got a chance to use one. :(
% > 
% > Amazing!  I tend to forget that when there are three in my Dad's 
% > house
% > and another couple in his ex-wife's as well as the one (plus the 
% > Betacam)
% > that we have :-)
% Wow, man, I've only seen a Beta up close ONCE, and it was non-functional.
%  And, of course, I got to see, from a distance, someone useing a Beta
% recorder.  I've only held an actual beta tape one time, and didn't dare
% drop it or mistreat it.  The Beta is like antique or something.  Much
% better than any old PC.

As far as the hardware, it's just like any other.  The real joy is in
little things like watching 8x fast forward with utter clarity :-)

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) davidtg at justpickone.org * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) davidtgwork at justpickone.org
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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