When is freenet going to go wireless?  Soon I hope.  I would really like to 
just have a little device that I can plug into the back of any PC, into 
either the Serial Port or the USB port, and transfer files all I want 
without haveing to install a freenet node on the PC. :)

An even better idea is to make a kind of "Diskette" connector that looks and 
acts like a 3.5' diskette but has a wire or something coming out of it and 
you just put it in your drive just like any other disk.  The reason I like 
that idea is you don't have to install any software.  You just stick it in, 
and use the device that the "diskette" connector is hooked up to.  The down 
side to that would probably be transfer speed, but thats ok with me. :)

I certainly hope I can eventualy help the Freenet Project a lot more once 
I've graduated from HTI. :)

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