Aaron, et al --

...and then Aaron Ingebrigtsen said...
% When is freenet going to go wireless?  Soon I hope.  I would really like to 

Um, how would it do that?  Do you mean actual wireless connections from
node to node?

That won't help too much the lone dissident in the middle of Tibet,
unless you're planning to loft your own FreeSats or piggyback off of,
say, Iridium.

% just have a little device that I can plug into the back of any PC, into 
% either the Serial Port or the USB port, and transfer files all I want 
% without haveing to install a freenet node on the PC. :)

So install a node somewhere else and proxy through it! :-)

% An even better idea is to make a kind of "Diskette" connector that looks 
% and acts like a 3.5' diskette but has a wire or something coming out of it 

Where does this wire go?  Is it an antenna in the wireless scenario
above, or does it plug into something else?

% and you just put it in your drive just like any other disk.  The reason I 
% like that idea is you don't have to install any software.  You just stick 
% it in, and use the device that the "diskette" connector is hooked up to.  

One big problem I see with hardware like this is that one then has to get
the hardware, which could be difficult in certain situations like in the
middle of Tibet, and someone has to make it, which leads to a single
point that can shut Freenet down.

It seems to *me* that what we need is more public Freenet proxy servers,
just like public NNTP servers, so that the general public can access
Freenet without having to run their own nodes (a la "have their own
feeds").  And who wants to step up to that -- yet?

% The down side to that would probably be transfer speed, but thats ok with 
% me. :)

Heh.  So far it looks like zero, which is pretty slow indeed!

% I certainly hope I can eventualy help the Freenet Project a lot more once 
% I've graduated from HTI. :)

Now *that* is an idea that I like! :-)


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) davidtg at justpickone.org * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) davidtgwork at justpickone.org
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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