Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> [..] Now I try to configure mailman and it's not working.  all of
> the CGI programs are there, there are all set gID, owned by
> root:list and should be working.
> on a related topic is there anyway for the error log to display what
> part of the filesystem the URL is trying to reach?

  If the log info is not enough (it is a fixed format, we should add
  or remove information), you can try to use the new tracing
  facility, there is some info here:

> Again, it's probably something obvious I'm not sure what I'm missing.

  I have added a couple of lines.. it should work now (but I haven't
  tested it)

> Server {
>         DocumentRoot  /var/www/html/harvee
                DirectoryIndex index.html
>         Log combined {
>             AccessLog /var/log/cherokee/harvee.access
>             ErrorLog  /var/log/cherokee/harvee.error
>         }
>         Directory / {
>                 Handler cgi {
>                   scriptalias /home/esj/akasha/
>                   ErrorHandler on
>                 }
>         }
>         Directory /files {
>                 Handler file
>                 DocumentRoot /var/www/files/harvee/
>         }
>           ##
>           ## Rest of the virtual host configuration..
>           ## Add your parameters here..
>           ##
>         # mailman stuff
>         Directory /mailman {
>                 DocumentRoot /var/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/
>                 Handler cgi
>         }
>         Directory  /pipermail {
>                 DocumentRoot /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/
                           Handler common
>         }
> }

  Try to access to http://server/mailman/listinfo

  Another option would be to add "listinfo" to the DirectoryIndex

  Good luck :-)

Greetings, alo.
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