>----Mensaje original----
>Recibido: 07/01/2006 1:
>CC: <cherokee@lists.alobbs.com>
>Asunto: Re: [Cherokee] [suggestion] Can you put benchmarks on webpage?
> > I'm absolutely a novice in 
this area, but I think it could be
> > improve (it's a good critic)
> >
> > - Firstly of all, I add some other benchmarks:
> >     - CPU and 
memory usage
>   If the network supports the load, it is likely it 
will be 100%,
>   which makes perfect sense: The server will try to 
process as many
>   requests as possible, and hence it will consume all 
the processor
>   resources; a different behaviour would be considered 
a bug.

Sorry, I mean how much % of CPU and how much memory 
cherokee spends while it's serving pages. Perhaps there is a confusion: 
you talk me about network. Is it the answer to next question?

> >     
- how faster a request is done (in average) (how much seconds
> >       
cherokee spends for serving a page)
>   In the benchmarks you have 
seen, the vertical axis represents how
>   many connection the servers 
replied in one second, so you can figure
>   it out just dividing 1 by 
that number.

Yes. Sorry for my roughtness

> >     - relation of 
size of page and req/s
>   Yeah, this is a good point.  We should 
benchmark different kinds of
>   contents: common HTML files, images, 
relatively big tarballs, may be
>   ISO images, etc.  I will keep this 
in mind :-)

Good. I'm a novice but I'm hit it ;-)

> > - Can you 
compar with lighttpd?. In this page, its creator says that
> > it's 
fast web server. I would like to know how fast
> >


> > - 
Finall, can you say me how to generate my own benchmark?. I want
> > 
make my "pinitos" in this area ;-).
>   I guess the easier choice is 
to use "ab". Usually it is included in
>   the Apache-tools package.

Okay. I will try it

> > And is there any program for make 
automatical benchmark: for any
> > version of CVS, it automatically 
runs benchmark and publish in
> > webpage. And so we have a current 
(and the most important) and
> > automatically a report
>   You could 
write down a script or something to try to do scheduled
>   benchmark 
with the repository code. I guess it is possible..

Sorry, but I don't 
know any programmer techniques. Or, at least, any of such for write a 
script with repositories features. I only suggest you to make this 
script for automatically have updated benchmarks.


>Greetings, alo.

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