>>>- Firstly of all, I add some other benchmarks: CPU and memory usage
>> If the network supports the load, it is likely it will be 100%,
>> which makes perfect sense: The server will try to process as many
>> requests as possible, and hence it will consume all the processor
>> resources; a different behaviour would be considered a bug.
> Eh?  Sorry, I mean how much % of CPU and how much memory cherokee
> spends while it's serving pages. Perhaps there is a confusion: you
> talk me about network. Is it the answer to next question?

  You can measure the memory, but for the CPU load - if your network
  supports the throughput - will be 100%. Make the test if you don't
  believe it ;-)

>>>- Can you compar with lighttpd?. In this page, its creator says
>>> that it's fast web server. I would like to know how fast
> Anwer?

  Yep.. we will include it.

> Sorry, but I don't know any programmer techniques. Or, at least, any
> of such for write a script with repositories features. I only
> suggest you to make this script for automatically have updated
> benchmarks.

  Even if it looks like a good idea, I think there are more important
  things to do right now, at least in the Cherokee development side.

  Anyway, I would be great to have that system up and running :)

Greetings, alo.
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