
This is my first message to the list.

I installed Cherokee on my Gentoo Linux some days ago, but I've not be
able to config a site with php support.

I created a new file in sites-aviable, mysite.com, with this content:

Server mysite.com {
        DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mysite.com

        Directory / {
                Handler common

       Extension php {
               Handler phpcgi{
                       Interpreter /usr/bin/php-cgi

If I execute cherokee, it returns this:

PHP interpreter not found (/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4). Please install it.
Error parsing configuration: 'syntax error', line 326, symbol 'Extension'

If I comment the Extension block, it returns this:

PHP interpreter not found (/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4). Please install it.
Cherokee Web Server 0.4.17: Listening on port 80, using epoll, 1024 fds limit
5 threads, 204 fds in each, standard scheduling policy, TLS disabled

but it serves the .html files at least.

Why do I get a syntax error in Extension?

Thanks in advance.

PS: Why not any forum about Cherokee?

Néstor Lafón-Gracia

Blog: http://blog.nestorlafon.com

"Last night I shot an elephant in my Pajamas and how he got in my
pajamas I'll never know." Groucho Marx
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