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> I noticed that the m20's are cheaper.
> Any major diff's between the m20 and the m21? Like mounting, gear types,
> etc...

There are two M20's, 63-65 and 66-74.  The 63-65 has 2.56 low, 1.91 second,
1.48 third and 1.00 fourth - The 66-74 has 2.52, 1.88, 1.46, and 1.00.
M21/M22's have 2.20, 1.64, 1.28, 1.00.  I've got a list of transmissions and
ratios at\htm\information\information.htm under
the "RPM Calculator" link.

Dale McIntosh
ACES #1709/TC #92 Gold
67 SS/67 Elky

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