Thanks again Keith,
I don't think I was actually infected.  No one else on my list seems to have gotten it except that one person who sent it to me this morning and he might have come by it from other sources.  Despite being on the net for about 6 years, this is my first brush with a virus.
But if I can impose on you to ask a question,  I noticed that the location where the file went to was a subdirectory I didn't even know I had.  Specifically, c:\windows\Temporary Internet Files\contentEI5\
That subdirectory listed about 10 other subdirectories that had the most amasing stuff in them.  Mostly past websites and old email from literally years ago.  My question is can I delete all of those safely?
Paul G. Ferguson
Attorney At Law
185-01 Union Turnpike
Fresh Meadows, NY 11366
(718) 454-1800
Fax  454-1876
"Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt and
Dance like no one is watching."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] Thank you for the virus info. I caught it in time.

Once you have updated the Norton Virus program and cleaned your computer, you will be OK. Make sure that your virus definition file is dated 11/24/01. I virus is using your address book to forward itself to everyone in your book. It also looks like to me that it maybe using your history file to forward itself to other websites. I think that it maybe using the cookies information. Any mail-return notices can return the virus back to you. You will be safe if you have email protection running. Make sure the your Norton Anti-Virus program has email protection running and you will be safe. Yes, I would email everyone in your address book to tell me that you had the virus. You can copy my email "Virus information Update" if you want and send it to everyone in your address book. It sounds like several members of the Chevelle list were sent the virus. All the infected email that I received had attachments with the file extentsion ".scr"   Never open any attachments with this extension. When you click on these files it looks like nothing happens, but the virus scripts starts running. If you need any more information or help, please email me again.
Keith Cooper
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:30 AM
Subject: [Chevelle-List] Thank you for the virus info. I caught it in time.

Thanks Keith.  I'm not that computer savvy but the MP3 files didn't look right so I deleted them.
I did a Norton update yesterday coincidentally, and caught it in 2 emails this morning.
One  from Bob Wisdom 11/27/01 12:25AM via chevelle list and the other from someone on my address book which sent me a forward of a forward with no message. 
Is it possible that the virus was somehow automatically forwarded to everyone on my address book or is it more likely coincidental and just making the rounds via other routes.
I've been tempted to send an edited version of your kind notice to everyone on my list, but wonder might I do more harm than good.  I guess what I'm asking is "What is the proper netiquette"
What would you do?
Feeling like "Typhoid Mary"
Paul G. Ferguson
185-01 Union Turnpike
Fresh Meadows, NY 11366
(718) 454-1800
Fax   454-1876
"Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt and
Dance like no one is watching."

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