Replies to this message are sent to The Chevelle Mailing List

The list is hosted by Team Chevelle and Al is the "moderator" of sorts.
He's pretty busy with his daytime job AND running Team Chevelle.  I offered
to moderate it some time ago but it never got very far.  He does keep up the
list for maintenance and removing people who can't figure out the
"unsubscribe" instructions.

Dale McIntosh
ACES #1709/TC #92 Gold
67 SS/67 Elky

> We don't really have an "owner" of the list anymore, do we?  It used to
> be Mitch, and he could decide what went on the site.  Maybe if we had a
> Yahoo Group, the link could be from there if we wanted to use it, but I
> have seen lots of complaints about Yahoo groups lately.  They now throw
> a lot of advertising at you.  If you read the group from the web site,
> they make you click past an ad page first, and they put ads in the email
> sent to you as well.  Without a real decision maker for the Chevelle
> List, this might not go anywhere...
>       -Brad-

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