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very well put,it's not a good thing when someone gets
amusement from a persons misfortune, I would hope that
if I was broke down that someone would help, not

Rocky Hill

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Replies to this message are sent to The Chevelle
> Mailing List
> When I see a classic car off the road and in
> possible 
> need of assistance I try to stop if it's at all
> possible 
> for me to do so, regardless of what kind of vehicle
> it 
> is.  As an enthusiast I know that others may have 
> different tastes and preferences when it comes to
> makes 
> and models, but it doesn't change the fact that
> we're 
> all interconnected by our choice of hobby and should
> stick together and support each other.
> Brad O.
> Jason Morris wrote:
> > I was driving back to work after my lunch when,
> low and behold, I see two
> > guys pushing a rather nice 1965 F*rd Rustang
> toward a flat-bed tow truck.  I
> > just had to smile...but because I drove slowly
> passed the broken down F*rd,
> > I had to shield my amusement from the rather
> frustrated owner of the
> > Rustang.
> >  
> > As I hit 70 mph driving smoothly down the freeway
> I got to thinking...  even
> > though my Elky looks like it should be sitting in
> front of a 20 year old
> > trailer home, it's a good ride and has never
> failed to start for me.  
> >  
> > It's funny how the misfortune of others, can
> brighten your day.
> >  
> > JM
> > '69 El Camino (A noble steed)
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