Title: Message
What brought the question up in my mind was I have a P-O-P for a 70 Chevelle that shows the engine and rear end built in October, the transmission in January but the car now being assembled until March.  I just figured that's quite a difference in time for the components - 5 months in the case of the engine and rear end.  However, the major strike (by local 95) wasn't until later that year in September.  Maybe it's just a fluke?
BTW, I want to thank all that have contributed photos of trim tags and P-O-Ps so far for a new, upcoming Chevelle information site.  Still missing some years, so any donations welcome!

Dale McIntosh
TC Gold #92/ACES #1709
67SS/67 Elky
Dale’s Place
Team 67
Midwest Chevelles

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