Apparently, according to their catalog, they do make their own interior upholstery. It’s not mentioned on their web site though, which is somewhat of a surprise to me, but certainly not a crime.


The reason I pointed out that saying "Our U.S. made sheet metal..." is not the same as saying "We manufacture all of our own sheet metal in the U.S." is because I thought people would want to know the truth. The fact that they are in Detroit has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not they are stamping their own sheet metal, or whether all of it is made in the U.S. In fact they don’t even claim to make it themselves, or claim that *all* of it is made in the U.S. I could easily make the same statement on my web site, and so could Trevor or any other company that carries any U.S. made sheet metal parts.


There are lots of fallacies about this business, and the biggest ones are about who makes what and where. For instance, many people just assume that Goodmark makes all of their own sheet metal, that it’s all made in the U.S., or that the sheet metal from Goodmark is automatically better than the stuff from DII. The fact is that Goodmark is one of DII's biggest customers, and in many cases you’re getting the same stuff. You just pay more for the privilege of buying it from Goodmark. They do make *some* of their own sheet metal, but because of that, people tend to assume that they make it all.


Anyway, just trying to separate the facts from the myths. For anybody who would rather believe the myths, that's your choice. I don’t see anything wrong in having a discussion about it. I thought that was what this list was for.


John Nasta




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:12 PM
To: The Chevelle Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] CARS Inc


I cannot for the life of me find it, but I know I read an article on these people, and it showed all kinds of interior making equipment.  Yards of fabric, and more.  I do not remember them showing the huge presses to do sheet metal, but I'm almost positive they do make their own interior stuff.



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