Title: Message
  I was not going to respond to this thread when it came up.  Because Mom always said "If you don't have something nice to say...then don't say ANYTHING !"  Well,  I will try to explain my point of view, through the computer keyboard, and hopefully not insult anybody along the way.  I have been around this "hobby" a long time.  I had an uncle that got me interested in cars, and car shows back in 1982 when I was 19 years old.  Luckily, he was into Chevrolets !  Can't imagine the therapy I would need now had my Uncle been into Mopars or Fords. :) j/k  
  Anyway, having owned a 1969 Yenko Camaro in 1994 (complete basket case - Olympic gold/4 sp.) I developed a since of pride owning that car.  But when you go to car shows or cruises, and see another Yenko Camaro or Yenko Chevelle - and they are "owner built-clones"....it seems wrong.  By clone I mean, all the emblems.  If you have a Malibu, and want a BB - go ahead and install one.  Just don't put "SS 396" or "SS454" emblems on it.  Someone on this list had said earlier that "I would much rather look at a nice Malibu, than a bunch of cloned Super Sports" - and I totally agree.
  The reason Super Sports and Yenko's, etc. are so valuable is partially because of their rarity, and the horsepower they delivered.  But when you go to a large car show and see maybe 2 or 3 Yenkos, or 10-12 Super Sport Chevelles, it doesn't mean as much.  It takes something away from the real Yenko's and SS's out there.  It's like - by making a clone your trying to take some of the "mystique or pride" that these original Super Sports had - and apply it to your car.  It just doesn't seem right.
"That's all I have to say 'bout that"  Forest Gump
'68 Malibu  ZZ502/502
ACES #5102
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-list] Where will it end??

I just got finished reading the thread on this subject. This was brought up a while back on this list. The feelings at that time were about the same as this time. I am, as you can see by my signature, one of the ones that own a clone/tribute. I bought it knowing it was a clone, the person was honest enough to tell me that up front. I do have a problem with someone selling a clone as the real thing because it gives all the clone/tribute owners a bad reputation as someone trying to get SS money for a clone if they decide to sell it. I for one don't plan on selling mine ever. I'm having too much fun driving it to ever see myself getting rid of it.
Anytime someone asks me if it's the real thing I tell them it is a clone, then I get the "OH". They then walk away mumbling to themselves, I have a question to all those people "where is yours"?
People I know that have a lot of knowledge about the Chevelle line have told me the car I have is as close to the "real thing" as can be without the paper work to back it. I would never even consider getting a fake build sheet for it. It has all the correct stuff on it to be an SS. It was built by the previous owner approximately 14 years ago, so everything that is on it must be genuine GM because I don't think there were too many after market producers of SS parts back then. They are also the same people that have told me to quit telling people that it is not a "real SS" but I have to be the honest person that I am and let the people know that ask. On the same token, if they have to ask they more than likely wouldn't know the difference if I had told them that is was "real". The original cowl tag is in place and when it was decoded it was not a "real" SS. The only thing that would give away as not on original big block car is it does not have the correct type of rag joint on the steering linkage.
These cars are still rare in the fact that they are still 35 year old whether it is an SS, clone/tribute or a Malibu.
Sorry to be a little long winded, but I had to get this off my chest. Oh by the way I am 48.
John L.
ACES #5597
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gene's General Restoration Parts
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:20 PM
To: The Chevelle Mailing List
Subject: [Chevelle-list] Where will it end??

Just checking out eBay for stuff I need for my 69 and ran across someone selling build sheets! It is not bad enogh that everyone and their brother is building clones, but this should be against the law. They will even ''age'' it for you. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4553646239&category=10076
 I am curious, how many of you would consider building a clone and what is your age? I ask age because it seems like younger guys who build clones see nothing wrong with it. Personally I think it takes away from original cars, I mean you go to a show to see rare stuff and it takes the fun out of it. I would much rather look at a dozen Malibus and one SS versus a dozen fakes. I would bet there are more ''SS'' cars on the road now then there ever were built originally!!
 Sorry to vent, but I had to get this out of my system.

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