Title: chhattisgarh-net

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)



Re: Stetsman edit on NHRC report


Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:26 am (PDT)

I have some doubts on this write-up which sounds like an advertorial issued by the Naxals. As the DGP had written in Pioneer about the Psy-war launched by the Maoists, this write up is a testimony of it.

"It is common knowledge that the Salwa Judum routinely and forcibly recruits child warriors ~ in the manner that they are pressed into war in failed states like the Congo, Liberia and Sierra Leone."

"Alongside, this exculpation of a patently illegal militia, comes a severe
indictment of the Naxals, at whose door is laid the entire burden of blame of unleashing violence on the tribals of the region, with no recognition of the fact that the Maoists in Chhattisgarh enjoy wide backing of the tribals."

The editor of Statesman did not discuss why the *'Maoists in
Chhattisgarh enjoy wide backing of the tribals'*. But I think the answer is in a proverb- 'Bhay Binu Hot Naa Preet'. If I put a bomb under you and keep the remote in my hand, it is sure you will dance to my tune. That is how Maoists mustered *'wide backing of the tribals'.* What Naxals were doing earlier is now Salwa Judum activists doing to *"enjoy wide backing of the tribals."*


On 10/12/08, Nandini Sundar <nandinisundar@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Statesman 10 October 2008
> Flawed report
> NHRC defends Salwa Judum in complete turnaround
> The report presented to the Supreme Court by a fact-finding team of the
> National Human Rights Commission exculpating the Salwa Judum is an
> extraordinary document. It is extraordinary not least because of the
> context. Just over a fortnight ago this team had submitted a report to the
> court and indicted this state-run militia formed ostensibly to counter the
> Naxals who operate in Chhattisgarh. Now it has done a volte-face virtually
> telling the court that the Salwa Judum is blameless, that it is indeed
> necessary and that the militia helps to protect tribals who are oppressed by
> the Naxals. What do we make of this? One will never be sure, of course, of
> what has transpired behind the scenes to bring about this astounding
> turnaround ~ but it inspires little faith in agencies that are connected to
> the state. Every independent observer who has gone to Chhattisgarh (with the
> possible exception of those patronised by the state) has had harsh words to
> say about the Salwa Judum. No less than the Naxals they are responsible for
> unleashing violence on the tribals, displacing them and pushing state
> agendas. Important among this, as the media has often reported, is to open
> up territory rich in forests and minerals for subsequent exploitation by
> rogue entrepreneurs.
> It is common knowledge that the Salwa Judum routinely and forcibly recruits
> child warriors ~ in the manner that they are pressed into war in failed
> states like the Congo, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Even a team set up by the
> Planning Commission and led by the respected bureaucrat and land reform
> expert, Mr Debabrata Bandopadhyay, had posted a severe indictment of the
> Salwa Judum and recommended that it be wound up. Alongside, this exculpation
> of a patently illegal militia, comes a severe indictment of the Naxals, at
> whose door is laid the entire burden of blame of unleashing violence on the
> tribals of the region, with no recognition of the fact that the Maoists in
> Chhattisgarh enjoy wide backing of the tribals. This is not meant to be a
> defence of the methods used by the Maoists, but a recognition of the
> realities on the ground. It is only in passing ~ in the last paragraph ~
> that the report mentions the socio-economic deprivation that has resulted in
> the ultra-Left phenomenon. One hopes the courts will reject these findings.


Re: Stetsman edit on NHRC report

Posted by: "op goel" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   opgoel

Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:40 am (PDT)

dear manju

you have stated the truth.


--- On Sun, 10/12/08, G MANJU SAINATH <gmanjusainath@gmail.com> wrote:

From: G MANJU SAINATH <gmanjusainath@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [chhattisgarh-net] Stetsman edit on NHRC report
To: chhattisgarh-[EMAIL PROTECTED]com
Date: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 2:27 PM

I have some doubts on this write-up which sounds like an advertorial issued by
the Naxals. As the DGP had written in Pioneer about the Psy-war launched by the
Maoists, this write up is a testimony of it.

The editor of Statesman did not discuss why the *'Maoists in
Chhattisgarh enjoy wide backing of the tribals'*. But I think the answer is
in a proverb- 'Bhay Binu Hot Naa Preet'. If I put a bomb under you and
keep the remote in my hand, it is sure you will dance to my tune. That is how
Maoists mustered *'wide backing of the tribals'.* What Naxals were doing
earlier is now Salwa Judum activists doing to *"enjoy wide backing of the



Re: Chhattisgarh Police Chief at Berkeley: A Report

Posted by: "rahul" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   aarohini

Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:28 am (PDT)

 the freedom and stature of the press is an integral part of any liberal democracy even if it is not specifically mentioned in the constitution. James Madison one of the signatories of the original bill of rights in the United States has famously stated - "were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate for a moment to prefer the latter!"
There have been many pronouncements of the Supreme Court of India on the freedom of the press and so through case law the scope of article 19 of the constitution has been enlarged to include freedom of the press. the most notable case in this regard is the Indian Express Newspapers vs Union of India, (1985) 1 SCC 641, where the SC pointed out -
“in today’s free world freedom of press is the heart of social and
political intercourse. The press has now assumed the role of the
public educator making formal and non formal education possible in a
large scale particularly in the developing world…The purpose of the
press is to advance the public interest by publishing facts and
opinions without which a democratic electorate cannot make
responsible judgments"

However, do not forget manju that despite this, geelani, a reputed journalist of kashmir spent over six months in jail on
trumped up and wholly facetious charges and even now a journalist of
uttarakhand and another from kerala are in jail for having
purportedly supported the maoists. binayak also is in jail for having allegedly provided logistic support to the maoists. The charges against binayak are extremely flimsy and are holding prima facie because the CSPSA is an extraordinary anti-terror law that does not follow the principles of liberal justice. Before making any comments regarding binayak you should first go through the whole chargesheet to realise how flimsy it is. It is all hearsay and conjecture, something that has been dismissed time and again by the supreme court as being inadmissible as evidence. One can understand your animus against the maoists but why that extends to binayak also beats me completely.


Welcom back Meghna  and get well soon.

Posted by: "Gishu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   mgirishin

Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:29 am (PDT)

A techy girl Meghna Subedar who belongs to Chattisgarh mystically
called from Pune to he parents in CG, she was assumed dead 108 days
before and thanks god she was able to recall number of her parents and

Police who declared her dead earlier now suspecting that she was
moving places to places and surviving by begging! I can only refer to
a short story by great writer Shri Harishankar Parsai " Inspector
Matadeen Chand Per" where police creates victims.

We have many lil girls and boys in metros, we must start some kind of
forum where kids can approach when required, and parents must keep
this forum updated about kids in the respective locations. Point is
who should be trusted who should not be, we have known people in the
group and they are trustworthy, a senior level person can be made CG
group coordinator for the town and then he or she can keep record of
the people who are in the respective towns.

This might be too much to ask for but I am shattered, as how a matured
girl like Meghna was missing from Mumbai, went to Goa and found in
Pune? what about people who are sending kids for work in metros and
they need any help? we may not be able to offer financial help but a
moral support is something which keeps hope alive.



POSCO Pratirodh Leader Abhay Sahu Arrested

Posted by: "Dhirendra Panda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:54 pm (PDT)

Dear Friends,

Kandhamal Violence diverted the attention of people and BJD-BJP Government
used this situation to satisfy the corporates and they arrested Shri Abhay
Sahu - the leader of the POSCO movement. It seems as if communal violence is
created in the interest of Corporates and corporate friendly politicians and

We'll send updates to you.

We appeal all well-meaning and democratic people to condemn the arrest and
to create pressure on the Naveen Government to release Shri Sahu.



We haven't given clean chit to Salwa Judum: NHRC Chief

Posted by: "Anoop Saha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   anoopsaha

Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:07 pm (PDT)


IANS: Contrary to reports that the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) had approved the Chhattisgarh government's rationale of arming activists of Salwa Judum to tackle
Maoists, NHRC chief S. Rajendra Babu says the rights body has not given
the civilian militia movement a clean chit.
"The NHRC has not given a clean chit to Salwa Judum. What we said in our report to the Supreme Court was that the problems afflicting Chhattisgarh are not law and order
problems but socio-economic ones," Babu told IANS in an interview.
Salwa Judum, an anti-Maoist movement, was started by the state
government in 2005 to bring the area dominated by armed rebels back
under government control.
"The NHRC report was based on a Supreme Court directive asking us to
probe allegations of high-handedness on the part of Salwa Judum," said
"Even before the court asked us to probe allegations that Salwa
Judum activists had been indulging in rape and killing of tribals in
the state, I had spoken to the chief minister of Chhattisgarh and told
him the same and asked him to deal with the issue as a socio-economic
problem," he said.
The apex court's order came during the hearing of a petition by
academicians Ramachandra Guha and Nandni Sunder who alleged that in the
name of fighting Maoists, the state was arming Salwa Judum activists
and encouraging them to kill innocent tribals and villagers and that,
sensing its new powers, Salwa Judum had become an extra-constitutional
It was while hearing this petition that the apex court asked the
NHRC to probe these allegations and submit its report within two months.
The NHRC report said: "Allegations levelled in the petition against
Salwa Judum are prima facie true to the extent of burning of houses and
looting. However, the allegations against Salwa Judum of killings are
not true. During the enquiry of some specific allegations, the enquiry
team also did not come across any case of rape which could be
"On the other hand, the Naxalites (Maoists) have not only
selectively killed Salwa Judum leaders and supporters, but they are
also responsible for the indiscriminate killing of many tribals and
security personnel," the report said.
Some human rights activists are unhappy with the NHRC findings.
"I have been working with the violence hit tribals and internally
displaced people (IDP) of Chhattisgarh for more than a year now and am
familiar with the ground realities. The NHRC report on Salwa Judum has
left me depressed," P. Raghu, activist and programme manager working
with ActionAid, an international NGO, told IANS.
"At the moment I am working with those displaced from Chhattisgarh
and staying in Andhra Pradesh. And there are about 50,000 of them. The
report I felt was in favour of the state," he said.
Sashwati Das, another activist working with those displaced, told
IANS: "Tribals in the Khammam district along the Andhra
Pradesh-Chhattisgarh border have set up temporary shelters in the
forests but live in constant fear that Salwa Judum activists would find
them and attack or that the state police or forest officials would
evict them from their settlements.
"There are consistent threats from the forest department, the police
and the local people. The forest department considers them encroachers,
police treat them as supporters of the Naxalites, and the local people
see them as threats to their livelihood."

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Woman jumps into husband's funeral pyre

Posted by: "Anoop Saha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   anoopsaha

Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:07 pm (PDT)


RAIPUR: In a shocking throwback to
medieval times, an elderly woman committed 'sati' by jumping into her
80-year-old husband's funeral pyre at Che
cher in Kasdol block of Chhattisgarh's
Raipur district late on Saturday evening.

Police cordoned off the
area after a large number of people gathered on the spot to offer prayers to
'sati mata'. People from nearby villages kept arriving at the crematorium
throughout the day on Sunday.

Lalmati Verma, 75, killed herself after
mourners had left the cremation site. Raipur (rural) ASP Prashant Thakur
confirmed the incident. "Disturbed by her husband Shivnandan Verma's death,
Lalmati had expressed desire to commit 'sati', but her family didn't take it
seriously," he said.

The family said after lighting the pyre, the
mourners went for a bath as per a local custom and when they returned Lalmati
was missing. "As the family didn't find Lalmati home when they returned, they
rushed to the cremation ground where they found her burning in the pyre," Thakur

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Lies do not help anyone: DGP Chhattisgarh

Posted by: "CGNet" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:39 am (PDT)

[Moderator's Note: We received this email message from PRO, DGP Chhattisgarh.]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Public Relation Officer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>
Date: Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 6:10 PM
Subject: For you

Lies have been one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal of
Maoists - only next to weapons and explosives. Weapons and explosives are
used to terrorize those who oppose them. Lies are meant to partly confuse
and to partly win over people to their sides.

When I decided to go to University of California, Berkeley to
present my point of view a psy-war was unleashed in Berkeley through SMSs
and cyber-space to oppose my visit. Most people invited in the conference,
the Maoists and their supporters thought, would castigate the government of
India and Chhattisgarh for violating human rights etc. They did not want
the DGP of Chhattisgarh to introduce a discordant note. The Maoists and
their supporters decided to use the case of Dr. Binayak Sen as a mask to
cover their real intention.

They send "questions for the DGP" on web-sites asking some inane,
puerile and obscured questions about the case of Dr. Binayak Sen and CSPSA.
As the case against Dr. Binayak Sen is sub-judice I would not comment on it
but there are constitutional and legal ways to fight any ACT or LAW and that
is that if it is held ultra vires of the constitution it goes automatically.
But Maoists and their supporters who have no faith in the Indian Democratic
System or the judiciary in India believe in pressure tactics. Dr. Binayak
Sen's case must be fought more on the streets through dharnas,
demonstrations and only incidentally through the courts.

So the demonstration at Berkeley was not surprising to me. What
must have surprised them was that I remained unruffled. What must have
further surprised them that a many amongst the listeners started to protest
against their unruly slogan shouting. What must have equally flustered them
was the fact I was prepared to talk to them and answer questions after the
seminar and question and answers session.

But the psy-war had to be launched. Lies had to be invented. Facts
had to be misconstrued. So the post card on which I wrote that I am the
wrong person and if they want they should send it directly to the government
has been circulated through the cyber-space as my having signed a post card
demanding release of Dr. Binayak Sen. My explanation that we preferred
postponing charge-sheeting of Ajai TG because his wife gave certain
information which we wanted to verify was twisted to mean that arrest of
Ajai TG was "technical mistake". More lies would fill the cyber-space I
know. But these don't ruffle me. Lies have never ruffled me. And I have
the strength to accept the truth. At Berkeley there were many other who
also know the truth of what I spoke.

But there is a catch. The muck the Maoist supporters throw into
the cyber-space is read mostly by those who believe in their cause. Others
who accidentally see their sites only feel bemused and silently chuckle at


Re: Lies do not help anyone: DGP Chhattisgarh

Posted by: "op goel" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   opgoel

Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:31 am (PDT)

dear mr ranjan
why did you take so long to send in your comments when so much muck was being thrown around you, even to the extent of asking for your resignation? i am happy that atlast you have responded.
i have always said that inspite of al the problems of the past, we have to look into the future with a positive point of view. unfortunately there are very few takers for this. do we really care for the people of CG? do we really wish to work for their development,progress and prosperity?

--- On Mon, 10/13/08, CGNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:

Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] Lies do not help anyone: DGP Chhattisgarh
To: chhattisgarh-[EMAIL PROTECTED]com
Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 12:31 PM

[Moderator's Note: We received this email message from PRO, DGP Chhattisgarh.]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Public Relation Officer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>
Date: Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 6:10 PM
Subject: For you

          Lies have been one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal of Maoists - only next to weapons and explosives.  Weapons and explosives are used to terrorize those who oppose them.  Lies are meant to partly confuse and to partly win over people to their sides.
          When I decided to go to University of California, Berkeley to present my point of view a psy-war was unleashed in Berkeley through SMSs and cyber-space to oppose my visit.  Most people invited in the conference, the Maoists and their supporters thought, would castigate the government of India and Chhattisgarh for violating human rights etc.  They did not want the DGP of Chhattisgarh to introduce a discordant note. The Maoists and their supporters decided to use the case of Dr. Binayak Sen as a mask to cover their real intention.
          They send "questions for the DGP" on web-sites asking some inane, puerile and obscured questions about the case of Dr. Binayak Sen and CSPSA.  As the case against Dr. Binayak Sen is sub-judice I would not comment on it but there are constitutional and legal ways to fight any ACT or LAW and that is that if it is held ultra vires of the constitution it goes automatically.  But Maoists and their supporters who have no faith in the Indian Democratic System or the judiciary in India believe in pressure tactics.  Dr. Binayak Sen's case must be fought more on the streets through dharnas, demonstrations and only incidentally through the courts.
          So the demonstration at Berkeley was not surprising to me.  What must have surprised them was that I remained unruffled.  What must have further surprised them that a many amongst the listeners started to protest against their unruly slogan shouting.  What must have equally flustered them was the fact I was prepared to talk to them and answer questions after the seminar and question and answers session.
          But the psy-war had to be launched.  Lies had to be invented.  Facts had to be misconstrued.  So the post card on which I wrote that I am the wrong person and if they want they should send it directly to the government has been circulated through the cyber-space as my having signed a post card demanding release of Dr. Binayak Sen.  My explanation that we preferred postponing charge-sheeting of Ajai TG because his wife gave certain information which we wanted to verify was twisted to mean that arrest of Ajai TG was "technical mistake". More lies would fill the cyber-space I know.  But these don't ruffle me.  Lies have never ruffled me.  And I have the strength to accept the truth.  At Berkeley there were many other who also know the truth of what I spoke.
          But there is a catch.  The muck the Maoist supporters throw into the cyber-space is read mostly by those who believe in their cause.  Others who accidentally see their sites only feel bemused and silently chuckle at them.
                                                                          - VISHWA RANJAN
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