On 5/29/06, Graham Fawcett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was just thinking about what's happening now in the Python
community. A well-known Python developer dumped all of the official
documentation into a Wiki / content management system, and the
community is busy filling in gaps, and adding new information. I
realize that the Python community is a a few orders of magnitude
larger than Chicken's, but perhaps opening up the docs for community
editing might alleviate the burden from Felix and the core developers?

Actually, Alejandro suggested this already - there is an unofficial manual:


Now, I have absolutely no problem with this. There is just one catch: I don't
want to maintain two versions of the manual, and we definitely need something
that can be installed locally. Personally, I would suggest that we use
http://galinha.ucpel.tche.br/coop, since it's internal format can be converted
relatively easily to/from other formats. What we need is a texi generator.
(any volunteers?)


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