Arto Bendiken wrote:

Now, to put my money where my mouth is, I hereby volunteer to setup,
host and maintain a Trac system for Chicken - provided there's
interest, of course

I'm interested. And, I won't bore you by debating your choice of tools. SVN + Darcs + proof of concept with many projects including Haskell is good enough for me.

I have plenty of server resources to spare, and a personal interest in
all this. Trac could run on a sub-domain such as, and I could give SSH access
to the system for the people who need it (Felix, Alejandro, et al). I
would naturally work with Alejandro to get the SVN (or Darcs)
repository integrated and ensure everyone could use their existing SVN
accounts to login to the Trac system without having to re-register.


I would like to see it integrated with Darcs. Part of what needs to happen in the Chicken community, is more people need to have proper Darcs permissions. So that they can actually set about fixing bugs. Even if they need to ask questions before knowing what to change, the process is a lot faster if people aren't waiting on, say, Felix to cut-n-paste e-mails.

Getting more people using Darcs, and actually modifying the source pool proper, may be the low hanging fruit as far as handling the labor issues. As opposed to the more exotic notification scheme I laid out, which I still think is a good idea.

Brandon Van Every

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