
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 08:58:33PM -0800, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Harri Haataja wrote:
> >Naturally I'd also like strong (Debian) packages to be buildable from
> >the snapshots so you can do install and version/dep tracking dances
> >that way. There's no system I'd subject to make install. (Though at
> >the moment there's very little of any system in my disposal.)
> I have a Fedora Core 6 installation now.  I have another hard drive 
> free, and a mind to install Kubuntu on it, which is a Debian 
> derivative.  I'm willing to do some build testing on Linux, since the 
> Playstation3 is pulling me into the Linux orbit.  But, I won't be 
> assuming responsibility for RedHat or Debian packaging.  Not enough 
> time, and package maintenance can be easily outsourced to 1 person who 
> wants to make a modest contribution to Chicken.

I am already packaging .deb packages for Adamantix, because Adamantix
uses Chicken for system level programming (i.e. security tools,
utilities, etc.). Also I have packaged over 200 eggs, a number which is
still growing. The advantage of using Debian packages instead of eggs is
that the Debian packaging system is much more advanced than the
chicken-setup system. And it is much easier to package and distribute
applications in the form of packages.

Also I have compiled most of these packages for Debian Sarge and Ubuntu
Breezy packages in the past. But that required too much handwork. Now I am
working on more efficient ways to build packages for several distributions. 
When that is done, support for more Debian based distributions can
easily be added. The same goes for different architectures (I currently
only build packages for i386.)


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