On 10/1/07, Peter Bex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 06:56:46PM -0700, Matthew Welland wrote:
> > From working with Rails I got used to the MVC and DRY principles and used
> > them in putting together my mini-framework.
> Did you consider making it into an egg?

FWIW, Peter, I also have a mini-framework I've been meaning to eggify.
I wonder how many of us have rolled their own?

It would be nice to consider a WSGI-like layer for Chicken that would
encourage decoupling between protocol implementations (HTTP, SCGI,
CGI, etc.) and application frameworks. My framework borrows somewhat
from the WSGI approach, though I only have an SCGI connector at this

Perhaps it will be a sign of Chicken's maturity if it begins to suffer
from the "too many Web frameworks problem" that Python encountered a
few years ago. :-)


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