On 10/1/07, Mark Fredrickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > FWIW, Peter, I also have a mini-framework I've been meaning to eggify.
> > I wonder how many of us have rolled their own?
> I too would like to see them. Even if not in an egg form. An example
> app would be good enough for me. Perhaps the classic Reddit clone?
> I've been looking at some Lisp frameworks that use that as an example:

That would be fun: a dozen Chicken reddits to drool over.

> That page highlights KPAX as one example CL framework. An interesting
> approach in KPAX is use of object prevalence instead of a RDBMS or
> similar for data storage. Is anyone in the chicken world doing
> something similar? I've been thinking about porting the CL
> implementation KPAX uses over to chicken, but I wouldn't mind saving
> myself the effort.

Personally, I would not want my Web framework to place any constraints
on my persistence strategy. I'm okay with object persistence for some
projects -- not everything really suits an rdbms -- but it's a
separate problem.

If someone wants to grow an uber-framework that does constrain such
things, I would hope it was built upon smaller, independently usable

> (Apologies to Graham who is seeing this for the 2nd time. I didn't
> realize the list didn't munge my reply headers. Mea culpa)

Ditto for my response, Mark. :-)


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