
I am still evaluating the case with reading binary data files. However, I do 
not understand the following srfi-56 comment:

The reference implementation has been tested with the following Schemes: 
Bigloo, Chez, Chicken, Gambit, Gauche, Guile, Kawa, KSI, MIT-Scheme, MzScheme, 
RScheme, Scheme48, SISC and Stklos. The *-float64 code turns out to be a very 
rigorous stress test for an implementation's numeric code. At time of writing, 
Chicken 2.0 (with the optional numbers egg), KSI 3.4.2 and MzScheme (both 200 
and 299 versions) are currently the only implementations to pass all tests. 
Petite Chez 6.0a is the next most complete failing 6, followed by Gambit4b14 
failing 8. Any Scheme that implements floating point numbers internally as C 
floats rather than doubles will be fundamentally unable to pass all *-float64 

Does that mean Bigloo implements numbers as C float type rather than double 
precision? Same for Gambit-C?

Chicken implements numbers as double precision?

I always thought there are two types for most of the 'modern languages' (e.g. 
Clean which I first learnt and  Scheme compilers): long integer, and double 
precision C type?

Anyone any experience with srfi-56 on Chicken. I think it never went through 
the peer review process and has been withdrawn. But anyway.

Thanks, Siegfried

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