On Dec 21, 2007 5:04 AM, Siegfried Gonzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I downloade numbers and srfi-56. But I get the following error when using 
> srfi-56 and there is no specific comment in the source code:
> ==
> siegfried-gonzis-macbook:test sgonzi$ csc srfi-56-test.scm

That should be

  csi -R syntax-case -R numbers srfi-56-test.scm

(or -R syntactic-closures instead of -R syntax-case).

Bigloo failed the tests because it doesn't support bignums - because
of that I believe it had the worse result of any implementation.

SRFI-56 did go through a peer review - that's what the SRFI process
is.  The reason for the withdrawal was explained on the list.  As a library
of binary parsing utilities it was fine, but I felt it failed to
adequately address
the distinction between binary and textual files, and I didn't want to
encourage people to build on a non-solid foundation.


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