The whole point of the note on the wiki was that we need _one_ documentation
system.  The current system sucks, because you keep switching interfaces.
Say you're looking for some documentation, so you search using the wiki
system.  However, the docs you're looking for happen to be written in eggdoc
or the legacy HTML documentation.  Besides not being able to search these
docs, when you visit them, you go to another site and you lose the
navigational tools you get in the wiki.

Fair enough. I agree that one method would be best.

Visually it's also confusing, because the three docs look different.  This
last point might sound trivial, but I'm sure when a potential new user is
browsing for a new scheme implementation, he's might get scared away just
because he has no idea why some docs are on this site, some on that and why
they look and act differently.  I know Chicken is a "hacker's scheme", but
there's no point in alienating people.

This I agree with 100%. I still haven't figured out why Chicken seems to be spread across three different sites.

> Why do you want to make a distinction?

The idea I was trying to get at was something like a "standard library" for Chicken. When I go to the "Eggs Unlimited" page right now, there are lots and lots of eggs, which is great, except there's no easy way to tell what's standard-issue Scheming and what's more exotic stuff.

It would be great if there were a set of eggs that were considered to be a standard part of Chicken, to help people who haven't been writing Scheme code for years get oriented. Python and Ruby have lots of standard functionality built in, but with Chicken you have to hunt down each egg you need. I think a standard library of sorts would help.

I also believe it would help to focus development. If a consensus could be reached as to what kind of functionality should be included in a reasonably complete standard library for a useful language, then we could easily go about implementing that functionality. A standard library would provide a smaller target than the current wide-open universe of eggs.

So these are my ideas, and I'll admit they probably don't have much to do with documentation per se, but that's just what happened to convince me to write them down.

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