Elf scripsit:

> > That's true, I should have said that the different licenses might
> >become an issue if you are distributing several eggs together. Though
> >I am not overly worried about GPL violations in distributions
> >of machine-generated C code, so that might be a sensible exception
> >clause to add GPLed eggs.

I can't, in general, distribute such generated code without the Scheme source,
however, as generated code is not "the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it"; i.e. it is not source at all in the eyes of the 

And adding an exception to the egg helps not at all if the underlying dependency
is itself GPLed.

John Cowan      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
                Charles li reis, nostre emperesdre magnes,
                Set anz totz pleinz ad ested in Espagnes.

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