Then I don't understand what you mean by the peculiar phrase
"currently maintained". There are many eggs in the Chicken repository
that work perfectly fine and are not BSD licensed. If one of those is
discovered to have become broken because of changes in the core
Chicken functionality, then it will probably be fixed, maybe by the
original author, maybe by someone who is familiar with Chicken, or
maybe by a user interested in using that egg. 
   Saying that most "currently maintained" eggs are BSD licensed
sounds as if the Chicken project officially only supports BSD eggs,
and that's not the case at all -- for instance, I will happily work on
fixing bugs in any egg in the Chicken repository, except for the ones
marked obsolete. If that is not is the meaning you intended, then what
is the meaning of this "currently maintained" construct?


Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i didnt say ANYTHING about how anything SHOULD be, at any
> point. brief synopsis: leonardo asked about which licence versions
> were associated with eggs, focusing primarily on the gpled eggs in
> the repo, and asked about how to obtain information relating to
> versions where it wasnt obvious.  i responded and said that most
> currently maintained eggs are bsd, except for yours.  this was not a
> criticism, merely a statement of fact.  i then suggested methods to
> find which licences were valid for which eggs.

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