Hi Tobia,

On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 18:37:36 +0100 Tobia Conforto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:
> > Would it be integrated to the wiki system?
> How much and what kind of integration do we need?

It would be nice if a regular user could edit the documentation like
he/she would do with the current wiki system.

> Supposing we translate the parts of the Wiki that contain API and/or
> egg documentation to this format, we may (or may not) provide a web
> form to edit said semantic documentation format directly.
> We may require the api or reference parts to be written in this
> format, committed to svn, and used to generate the various "compiled
> references", while leaving free-form tutorials and random pieces of
> documentation on the wiki.

Wouldn't it be simpler to extend svnwiki so it can understand some
special tags?

Best wishes,

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