On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Ivan Raikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Would it be easy to create a SWIG module for the hygienic Chicken? I
> would like to start with porting endian-port, but I don't want to
> invest the time to restructure it to using the Chicken FFI directly.

It should be possible to use SWIG as usual, but it doesn't generate modules.
I haven't tried to do so, since I personally find SWIG somewhat
cumbersome to use (as opposed to easyffi, for example).

>  Also, I would prefer if the eggdoc documentation option is
> reinstated, and if future sweeping changes to the egg infrastructure
> are made after some discussion on the mailing list.

Could you describe in more detail what you mean by eggdoc documentation
option? And what "sweeping changes" exactly are you talking about?

> I am not very
> happy about the way wiki documentation is currently rendered, and it
> looks like it would take a non-trivial effort to get the wiki doc to
> match eggdoc's look and feel.

So, if I understand you correctly, you would like to have an automated
method of generating wiki pages from eggdoc (automated on commit,
that is)?


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