On Tue, 26 Aug 2008, Ivan Raikov wrote:

Could you describe in more detail what you mean by eggdoc documentation
option? And what "sweeping changes" exactly are you talking about?

 The "eggdoc option" was the ability to generate online HTML
documentation from an eggdoc script. The sweeping change is that the
eggdoc option was dropped by decree.

So, if I understand you correctly, you would like to have an automated
method of generating wiki pages from eggdoc (automated on commit,
that is)?

 Yes, but I also want the HTML pages generated from wiki pages to
have the same look and feel as HTML pages generated by eggdoc. Maybe
this is just a matter of using the right style classes in the HTML,
but take a look for example in the documentation for digraph and
formular. eggdoc seems to do a much better job at delineating the
sections and highlighting the procedure headers, and it also has neat
boxes for the code examples and the license text, while the wiki pages
use this weird dashed line thing.

i second this motion, wholeheartedly. i can generate properly formatted tables, and inner tables, and whatever else i feel like with eggdoc. plus,
its nicer to view in lynx. :)

im not necessarily sold on eggdoc itself, only because its amazingly annoying
to change certain properties (unlike the wiki, where they cant be changed at
all).  i know that a few months back i said i would come up with something.
i totally dropped the ball here, apologies.  im a bit swamped.


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