"felix winkelmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just give me an exact specification and I'll add it (if possible).

Well, in SWIG you can specify an exception handler like this:

     const char *err;
     if ((err = check_exception())) 
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_IOError, error_string);

And this code is inserted in every wrapper for a C function, while
replacing $action with the C function invocation. I would like to have
such a feature in easyffi.

>> I also remember
>> that I did something with SWIG typemaps that allowed in/out arguments,
>> and I am not sure how to reproduce those semantics with the native
>> Chicken FFI, other than writing a Scheme wrapper for each C procedure
>> that has in/out arguments.
> Easyffi makes this actually quite easy.

  Ok, how to do that automatically? Let's make things simple: how can
easyffi take a C procedure with one or more out arguments, and create
a Scheme wrapper that returns a list containing the values of the out

> What has been dropped is the local documentation feature. 

  And generating online HTML documentation from an eggdoc script.

> I can not remember that anybody ever used it 

  I use it for the majority of the eggs written and maintained by me. 

> and it is likely to be better to have a single place for maintaining
> the documentation (the wiki). I agree that the wiki pages might not
> meet everyones taste, but that's how we do documentation in the
> moment.

  You never asked anybody on this mailing list, you just decreed it
without any regard for other people. 

> Doesn't svnwiki allow heavy customization of single pages via svn
> properties? egg-post-commit (which is still running, and will do so
> for as long as chicken 3.x.x is supported) could do the
> eggdoc->wiki conversion (possibly with embedded HTML) and set
> custom css or template for these pages.

  Do you want to do that? I'd rather be writing new code and porting
old code to the hygienic code, rather than messing around with
CSS. The least amount of effort is to simply permit the generation of
online HTML documentation from eggdoc scripts in the release/4 branch.

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