On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:36:02PM +0200, Thomas Chust wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> in fact, I think it was always the case, but several aspects of it are
> poorly documented in the Fossil manual. For example, you could always
> use symbolic tags in any place where a changeset ID was expected, but
> figuring that out required a look into Fossil's own source code or
> trial and error.

Ah, that's quite possible!

> Anyway, I have updated the wiki page at
> https://wiki.call-cc.org/releasing-your-egg#fossils-default-web-ui
> with instructions how Fossil can be set up analogously to the other
> VCSs mentioned. I hope this makes the lives of future egg author
> generations easier ;-)

Thanks a lot!

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