How old is your chi?  At least he didn't try to attack the other dogs,  it 
might be best if he learns to socialize slowly. I met a trainer the other day  
who told me that in her opinion,  most chihuahuas that lunge at large dogs  are 
not showing how brave they are but showing how insecure they are around  
larger dogs.  Something to think about.
In a message dated 7/30/2008 3:10:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hi All!!

Hope everyone is doing well. I have a general question to  the group. 
I am wondering if anyone has brought their dog(s) to doggy  daycare 
before and how they acted/like it. I brought my chi there for the  2nd 
time today and the workers said he was very shy and just sat in the  
corner watching the dogs play! He is usually very outgoing so it 
broke  my hear that he didn't make any friends :( Would love to hear 
about other  dogs who have been at daycare. Hoping it will get better 
for my guy the  next time since I think the socialization is good for 
Thanks,  Catie


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