Time will make things easier.  I know, I've lost dogs before.  We're here
for you to vent on.

Only you and God know your heart.

-------Original Message-------
From: GJ
Date: 27/08/2008 5:43:52 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Having a hard time today
My esteemed Chihuahua lovers,
I am having a hard time today!  I really miss W... I miss her nibbles on my
ears when she'd be on my shoulders  and when she would be so happy to see us
...she would cry.   Tomorrow would be a week , I don't cry as often...I just
feel like  silly putty!   
I have looked for breeders in CA so the pup won't have to be flown.   There
are 3 prego females close to me - 2 give birth mid of  Sept, and the 3rd
gives birth around Holloween.  I don't know if I can hang on that long. 
Luna and Jazz are practially clinging to me - which I don't mind...but it
still hurts...
I just wanted to share my grief - NOT to get you guys down, but I needed to
vent too...


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