Thank you. 

Jesus sagt:Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben,nimand kommet zum 
Vater denn durch mich.  JOHN 14:6
God bless you Brutus,Sissy and Claudia

----- Original Message ----
From: Marsha Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:26:15 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] claudia

Claudia!!! Hope you are feeling better soon!!! Sending up prayers for you!!!

> Sharon I,m sorry I missed you last night.I was at the ER.I have now
> a pneumonia.I have to see my DR today.No Sharon ,thanks Lord I am not in
> the past of Gustav.My prayers been with everybody involved with
> Gustav.I been watching updates on my TV in the Bedroom.Can, t stay long
> on PC have to rest..I know my DR is going to be mad with me so I better
> rest.Thanks for checking on me.  Take the time today to be thankful for
> what God has provided..Trust that he will supply your every need.Don't
> forget all that He has done for you.God bless you Brutus,Sissy and
> Claudia



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